Admiral Consulting Group interviews Kerry Rosvold about the NAVUG

navugatconvvideopixAdmiral Consulting Group, a partner from the east coast, interviewed me about the benefits of belonging to the NAUG (user group).

Follow the link to get to the video on You Tube or view the article here.

Social media at Microsoft Convergence 2013 from the official blogger viewpoint

Jon Rivers of Data Masons is doing a multi-part series “Convergence Climbs the Social Ladder” featuring the views of the official Microsoft-appointed Convergence bloggers.  I got a chance to participate this year as one of those bloggers, so thought I’d share Jon’s article with you, especially since he interviews me in this article! Make sure to check out the rest of the series, where he’s interviewed (so far) Microsoft MVPs Gus Gonzalez, Belinda Allen, and Joris de Gruyter.

2013convConvergence was huge for many reasons, one of which was the prominent emphasis on the social community.   Prior to the event, Microsoft tapped 11 bloggers to serve as the conference’s official bloggers and promoted the social community with its release of the Live Wall.  Once onsite we heard from Wayne Morris, Corp VP of Microsoft Business Solutions Marketing, about the integration of mobile and social capabilities within its go-forward strategy.  The Result… A measurable growth in the Microsoft Dynamics social community with a very impressive ranking for the Twitter hashtag #CONV13, climbing to one of the top 10 trending hashtags for the week (that’s global, that’s a huge success!)

On that success, featured Convergence 2013 Official Blogger: Kerry Rosvold, Microsoft Dynamics NAV user since 2004 and blogger for, shares her thoughts on the Dynamics social community:

follow the link to see the interview . . .

View Convergence 2013 session on Microsoft Dynamics NAV dimensions here

If you’ve enjoyed this month’s 15 days of NAV dimensions series, and would like to hear me speaking about dimensions, there is now a recording out on the Convergence website as well as on the Virtual Convergence website.

If you were a registered Microsoft Dynamics Convergence 2013 attendee, log in to the Convergence site and bring up the Schedule Builder. From here you can view a recording of any session that was listed as a concurrent or deep dive session, and you can even re watch the keynote and general sessions! You can search by any number of methods for my session, which was called Tips & tricks for working with dimensions in Microsoft Dynamics NAV, and ran on Thursday, March 21st at 2:30. Click the link to watch the session video.

virtualconvIf you were not able to attend Convergence this year, there is a Virtual Convergence that is available to the public. You’ll need to log in to register, but once there, you’ll have the same access as Convergence attendees to concurrent, deep dive, keynote, and general sessions. In order to find my session, search under the sessions menu, then Microsoft Dynamics NAV, then scroll down until you see the box that contains Tips & tricks for working with dimensions in Micro . . .dims virtual

There are a lot of great sessions out there available for one year past the close of Convergence 2013, so I bet these will only be out there until the end of February 2014. Take some time to explore what else is out there and share with your coworkers! This is a great way to get information into your company about the ERP you have all chosen to run your businesses.


You’ve seen the future, it’s time for the NOW

navug with nameI can’t agree more with the recent post Suzanne Scanlan posted regarding the connection between Microsoft Dynamics Convergence and the NAVUG Forum. Convergence is a great view of the future, but NAVUG Forum hits us where we live – in the now. It’s the one opportunity I have every year to connect intimately with my NAV community. For three of four days we live, breathe, and even dream NAV because we get the chance to immerse ourselves in learning about and solving business challenges with our primary tool, NAV. The really great thing is we get to learn from each other! Volunteer end users present the majority of the sessions, so you know the information you’re getting is coming from someone who uses the software every day, just like you do, and likely in the same version that you are using now. I love to see the bright shiny vision of the Microsoft future at Convergence, but on a practical level, I won’t be arriving at that point in time for at least two years. The material I consume at NAVUG Forum is immediately applicable to what I’m facing in the now.

If you’re looking for info about the upcoming 2013 NAVUG Forum held in Tampa, FL October 21-25 check out these links.

NAVUG 2013 Schedule

Who attends Forum?

Examples of content offered at the 2012 NAVUG conference

NAVUG spotter at Convergence: general session highlights

This years’ general session didn’t start out with rock and roll music and surfboards, but rather cool Jazz and low key presentation by Jesper LaChance and Eric Tiden.  Tiden is the new NAV R&D General Manager, and has some big shoes to fill after dynamic Dan Brown left last year.  New to the NAV space, but not ERP management, Tiden said “it’s really unusual to hear people say things like “I LOVE NAV” when they’re talking about their ERP, and it’s a great responsibility to live up to!”

LaChance and Tiden kicked off the general session with celebration of stories from customers who use NAV including Habitat for Humanity, Slainte Healthcare, and All for Kidz.

It seems the theme for the session was “NAV2013 is the greatest release every (and you should upgrade)!”, and LaChance and Tiden repeatedly stressed this point and then backed it up with demos of:

  • the president role from the role center, highlighting use of charting based on account schedules which can be controlled by the end user without partner assistance
  • new assemble to order capabilities shown using the NAV web client
  • refreshable Excel information into and out of NAV, powerview wth ODATA, an Jet Express
  • a preview of the Sicily release using a Surface with the web client, Office 365 and SharePoint integration

A quick listing of next NAV version “Sicily” with a 2014 date revealed improvements to cash management, “a lot more” integration with office 365, better support for large scale hosting, and UI web services.

Customer response to the session seemed a bit luke-warm, with only scattered applause from time to time, but the room did respond well to the customer success stories, nodding and laughing, and managed to perk up at the end when given information to access a free NAV2013 Azure demo for a limited time.

NAVUG spotter at Convergence: Monday highlights

User groups have been the word(s) of the day for Monday!  Sessions on fixed assets, NAV integration with SharePoint, reporting with the RTC, account schedules, database optimization, and international deployment were all sessions delivered for NAV end user attendees by NAVUG members. Despite jet lag, nerves, uncooperative database connections, and the ever-present challenge to make it to the right room down some loooong hallways, volunteer end user presenters did a great job of sharing vital information and attendees did a great job of asking questions.

Roundtable discussions seem to be a rousing success with the only flaw being that we have more attendees than chairs. It was not uncommon to see attendees sitting around a table with one ring of attendees standing behind them, and another ring behind that group! I saw lots of business cards flying and people making connections with folks who use NAV in their jobs every day, just like they do. Around the CFO and Controllers table, the hot topics of the session were upgrading and BI and reporting, perennial NAV topics that end users still struggle to agree on. Other NAV hot topic tables were: currently implementing companies, converting forms to pages, ask your peers: supply chain, international installations, and professional service companies. roundtables

The long registration lines have subsided, and the hallways and Expo hall are full of attendees continuing the conversations they started earlier in the day. As we move into the evening, I can hear Cajun music starting and smell the food being put out for the first reception of Convergence 2013.

Users helping users at Convergence!

Did you know when you see a session labeled *hosted by the __UG at Convergence, most of these sessions are run by customers? Did you also know all of these customers are volunteers? Why do they do it?

Most of these folks are offering what they know as a way to give back to other people who are using the same ERP software. They’ve had the benefit of having someone else share with them what they know in the past and want to do the same for others.

navug with nameAt Convergence this year, the NAVUG (NAV user group) is more active at Microsoft Dynamics Convergence than ever before, offering 19 sessions given by end users who use the software every day at their companies!

Last week, I posted a daily summary of what sessions are being offered by the NAVUG, loosely categorized by user type. Follow the links to find the sessions you want to attend in order to network with people who use NAV, just like you do!

NAVUG spotter at Convergence:  Where will you find international users?

NAVUG spotter at Convergence: Where will you find finance users?

NAVUG spotter at Convergence: Where will you find IT and developer users?

NAVUG spotter at Convergence:  Where will you find supply chain users?

NAVUG spotter at Convergence: Where will you find supply chain users?

navug with nameThis year, the NAVUG (NAV user group) is more active at Microsoft Dynamics Convergence than ever before, offering 19 sessions given by end users who use the software every day at their companies! There are plenty of opportunities to attend sessions on supply chain topics and to meet other supply chain end users.

Start off your week on Monday by attending roundtable discussions.  There will be a role based table for supply chain and manufacturing personnel as well as an ask your peers table.

On Tuesday, attend a session by Marc Allman, Chief Operating Officer at AMS Controls, and Kevin Fons, Director of Business Systems at Saris Cycling Group, to get tips and tricks for supply planning. On Wednesday, Marc Allman teams up with Heather Allman, Communications Director at AMS Controls, and Bob Bergman, Senior Microsoft Dynamics NAV Consultant with Archerpoint, to conduct an ask your peers session on manufacturing setups. To cap off the week on Thursday, Nancy O’Hara, Director of Business Systems at Shaw Development, and Tom Taylor, Microsoft Dynamics Partner Technology Advisor with Microsoft, conduct a session together on warehousing in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.